Intuitive Energy Healing
After our initial discussion, you lay on a comfortable cozy table fully dressed. As I administer Reiki healing energy to the energetic field around the body relaxation sets in. The connections between the emotional/mental/spiritual and physical bodies usually become clearer to me as I read them energetically. This process allows me to work with you to identify the energies that may have been hampering your progress, as well as your beneficial energies and gifts! I will share with you what I sense along the way.
We know that the physical body is connected intimately with what you believe, your emotions, your feelings, your strengths and your fears. We see these connections more clearly in the gentle light of the intuitive energy healing. This transformative process brings those patterns and beliefs to light so that your movement toward wholeness can naturally occur, unrestricted. Our work together allows you to move forward more freely in light and love.